Extract from the music of Manon Tanguy "The size of her skirt"
Extract from "Rapeur c'est toi!" written by the Chilean collective Las Tesis.
Extract from Jonna Jinton's old Kulning.
Excerpt from Brut, 5 female politicians answering politicians.
Thanks to the Testimonials of Fabienne, Léa, Pépita, Samira, Camille, Justine B., Coline, Marion, Laurence, Nadyne, Justine, Chantal, Augustine, Sophie, Isa, Deniz, Ashtar.
Editing: Maëva Longvert and Laëtitia Madancos
Photos Mathieu Mangaretto.

Visual art and living installations in public space

From the playground to the public space
LATITUDE is an artistic intervention project in
educational institutions.
2023 / Nîmes / Collège Révolution - Théâtre Le Périscope
2021 / Marseille / Collège Chape - Lieux Publics
April 2021: City of Street Arts with Chape college students and their teachers, a project supported by Public Places and supported by APCAR.