Extract from the music of Manon Tanguy "The size of her skirt"
Extract from "Rapeur c'est toi!" written by the Chilean collective Las Tesis.
Extract from Jonna Jinton's old Kulning.
Excerpt from Brut, 5 female politicians answering politicians.
Thanks to the Testimonials of Fabienne, Léa, Pépita, Samira, Camille, Justine B., Coline, Marion, Laurence, Nadyne, Justine, Chantal, Augustine, Sophie, Isa, Deniz, Ashtar.
Editing: Maëva Longvert and Laëtitia Madancos
Photos Mathieu Mangaretto.

Visual art and living installations in public space
Artistic contact: Maëva Longvert
0677961604 / encidupolymorphe@gmail.com
Production contact: Samira Boukhnous production.lepolymorphe@gmail.com
Co-productions and support:
Public places - National center and European center of creation -
IN SITU - European Platform for Artistic Creation in Public Space
Chalon in the street - National Center for Street Arts and Public Space.
Le Citron Jaune - National Center for Street Arts and Public Space
Fishnet Samba
Erasmus Plus
DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Ministry of Culture
City of Marseilles
Let's relaunch the summer
South Region
The North Pole - Imaginary Travel Agency
La zouze - Christophe Haleb
Company Name : The Polymorph
SIRET number : 85393013900011
APE : 9499Z Z
License n ° LD-19-1506
VAT number : Not taxable
Adress : 4 rue Marcel Sembat 13001 Marseille
Represented by Anjelika Solé,
president of the organization.